Blackberries - great gift of our nature
Who from us does not know black forest berries when we were young? We tore them with courage and caution. But anyway, we were pricked and wrapped by sucker with an infinite number of pointed barbs. It did not bother us and every year we went for them again and again. Intuitively we felt that eating that fruits do our body good ...

The blackberry (Latin – Rubus fruticosus, Greek – Batos, German – Brombeere, Czech – Ostružiník křovitý) is a bush, which grows on the edges of forests, forest clearings, along the roads. In the Bohemia and Moravia exist about 200 species of brambles, which are very similar. In the gardens are usually grown cultivated species that do not have spines. As a healthy food is used black fruit, ripening in late summer and autumn. But some cultivars mature in mid-June.

Blackberries – Healthy food
Fruits are suitable for diet food, and they are the best if you pick them freshly. Vitamins such as – vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B group, vitamin k, vitamin P, vitamin E are contained in the fruit. I like to use Blackberries to cheesecake and yoghurt desserts, to create Ice creams by adding cream and sugar, or pancakes prepared from not a frozen mixture. Jams, jelly frozen blackberry puree, syrup and wine allow us to keep the blackberry for winter and spring season. At home, children love blackberry in sponge cake or leavened cakes.

Like a drink for adults, I use them mashed with sugar and accompanied by beer. For children, there is the beer exchanged for water. Healthy Lemonade is produced with sparkling water.

Blackberries and health
This superfood contains lots of vitamins and improves the colour of skin, mucous membranes regenerate, removing free radicals. It also reduces effects after chemotherapy and radiation. Blackberries have a preventive effect against the following diseases and problems. They help us with colds, coughs, angina, viral infections, inflammation and help the body to get over illnesses to normal. They enhance male potency, help to treat varicose veins, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure, weak blood vessel walls because they contain a high level of bioflavonoids. Regular usage slows ageing. Bramble is very useful in the prevention of respiratory diseases and heart diseases and cancer. Blackberry juice made from fresh fruits acts as a versatile invigorating drink for the whole human organism.

Blackberries in the garden
Growing in the backyard is not difficult. By crossing the wild species, there have been bred many varieties differing in yield, shape, size and taste of the fruit. The plant can be propagated easily by rooting young shoots. Creeper sprouts are usually moored to 2 meters wire construction. The whole plant grows rapidly and produces fruits on a two-year shoot.
In recent years, Blackberry is categorised as superfoods as a source of energy, which works perfectly with the human organism.